How to Install WordPress in cPanel

How to Install WordPress in cPanel using Softaculous

How to Install WordPress is a general question every beginner web developer has. WordPress is well known as the most popular website builder on the internet. It powers over 40% of all websites on the internet. The main reason for choosing WordPress is that it’s easy to install which makes it the best option for creating a website or blog.

All the best web hosting companies allow you to install WordPress with just a few clicks. In most circumstances, it’s just a matter of minutes to install WordPress and it takes less than a few minutes to complete.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install WordPress on all top hosting companies by using 1-click install scripts using Softaclause.

1. Softaculous

Softaculous is the most used auto-installer script provided by cPanel. It allows you to easily install popular web applications like WordPress, Joomla, phpBB, myBB, and many more with just a 1-click. Popular cPanel Managers like WHMCS and WHMSonic use Softaculous in their control panel.

Step 1:

Simply log in to your Hosting website and click on cPanel account manager, scroll to the bottom and look for “SOFTACULOUS APPS INSTALLER” and under scripts find the WordPress installer icon click on it to begin the journey of WordPress.

softaculous script installer

Step 2:

Click on WordPress and it will take you to WordPress installer dashboard as under.

softaculous wordpress installer dashboard

Step 3:

Click on install tab to continue installation of WordPress. You will see a screen like this, fill in the required information about your new blog or website, its super easy.

Step 4:

Enter the username and password and email address for the admin account. We recommend not to use admin as your username or password. Use a strong username and password.

Step 5:

Now select the default theme for WordPress. Don’t worry you will be able to install a new custom theme later on. see our guide on

How to install a WordPress Theme

Now Click on Install button. It will take few seconds and your new WordPress site will be live.

Step 6:

Now to login to your WordPress Admin Panel again go to your cPanel And look for WordPress Manager by Softaculous. Click on it and it will take you to your WordPress Installation see blow picture for visual guide.

Step 7:

Click on Login Button and you will be redirected to Admin Panel of WordPress as seen in below image.

Alternatively you can go to your blog or website dashboard by typing the following URL.

Our Website is also using WordPress we will type the following.

Type the username and password that you select when installing WordPress.

Step 8:

You will see your dashboard like this.

2. Read More on How To Customize Your WordPress Blog or Website

3. Bonus

If you have encountered any problem in installing WordPress just comment below or contact us to get free support. Our expert developers are always available to help you with your installtion.